Bicycle Accident

What Bicycle Accident Victims in California Need to Know

Bicycle lying on the side of a woody road.

Many people now enjoy biking as their main mode of transportation. While going on bicycles may seem like a relaxing way of transportation, it can also be completely dangerous. Many people suffer from bicycle injuries, but many also tend to get away with these accidents.

If you want to learn more about getting into a bicycle accident in California and dealing with it, then you are in luck. Keep reading below to learn more about this.

What Happens If I Am Injured in a Bicycle Accident?

If you get into a bicycle accident and suffer an injury, you may be eligible for compensation. However, this compensation is only possible under certain conditions and circumstances, which you will learn more about when discussed below.

What Should I Do after an Accident?

If you have gotten into an accident, there are certain steps that you need to take immediately. By following these steps, you not only lessen the risk of major injury and get yourself the treatment you need, but you are also helping yourself legally.

1. Seek Medical Treatment

Regardless if you feel hurt or if there are any visible injuries or not, you need first immediately to seek medical treatment. By doing so, you can ensure that there is nothing wrong with you both on the inside and outside. If there is indeed something wrong, it is best to get it treated.

2. Contact Authorities

It is also important to be able to contact the police immediately after the accident. By doing so, you get to establish the whole situation, and they get to see it all firsthand. This way, they can begin their investigation immediately if needed.

3. Contact a Lawyer

If you know you were not at fault during the incident, then it is time to consult a lawyer. While it may be tempting to just settle the incident immediately with the other party, by having a lawyer, you are legally protected. This is especially important as the other party may not be willing to settle as you’d wish.

4. Gather Information and Evidence

At the scene of the accident, take as many photos as possible and try to document everything. Gather as much information as you possibly can and recall the details of the incident. Be sure that you are familiar with what happened and to tell all the details as accurately as possible. Make sure to be consistent because even if you are telling the truth, any small inconsistencies could result in losing your case.

5. Talk to Your Insurance Company

Once all the legal aspects have been dealt with, talk to your insurance company and your legal representation. You could file a personal injury claim and be compensated both for any medical bills and damages suffered, such as to your bicycle, and even if you missed out on any wages or potential income after the incident.

6. Do Not Sign Anything without a Lawyer

If your lawyer is still not present at the scene and anyone, whether the police or the other party, tries to get you to sign anything, do not comply. Let them know that you will be ready to review the document when your lawyer is present.

The document could easily harm you, take away any of your rights, or pin liabilities against you. It is best to have a professional who can review this document for you and see whether it is useful or against you.

Am I Eligible for Compensation after the Accident?

Under California law, people are eligible for compensation after bicycle accidents based on certain factors. The three key specifications that are being considered are:

1. Who Caused the Injury?

Was the accident your fault or the other party’s fault? If the accident was caused by the other party, then you are entitled to compensation. Specific situations where the other party is at fault are if they were driving irresponsibly and breaking any vehicular laws. This means that they were negligent, and this resulted in the accident.

2. Were You Operating Your Bicycle Lawfully?

Regardless if it is the fault of the other person or not, if you were not operating your bicycle legally, then you will also be held partially responsible for the accident. For example, if you tried to go through a red light, or you were riding off your lane, then it cannot be pinned against the other party because you were also negligent.

3. Did You Receive Injuries or Are Suffering from Other Losses?

Injuries are entitled to compensation, especially when undergoing medical care. However, aside from just compensation for the injuries, you are also eligible to receive compensation for other losses during the accident.

For one, if your bicycle was damaged, you can get compensation for it. Additionally, if you are suffering from an injury that would prevent you from working resulting in lost wages, you would also be entitled to compensation for this.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer?

Many people make the mistake of personally settling incidents like these without getting legal authorities involved. However, there is a danger with personal settlement as it has no legal guarantee, and people can easily escape their legal responsibilities. Additionally, with a personal settlement, you may receive less compensation than you are entitled to.

With a lawyer, you can ensure that you and your rights are protected and met. You have the law on your side, and there is a legal guarantee that the compensation will be paid fully and fairly. It will also help you avoid misunderstandings throughout the case and get everything you are eligible for.

A lawyer will help you understand all your legal rights and will deal with the legal process of the whole accident. You can focus on healing and be a little more relaxed, knowing that as bad as an accident is, you are protected by the law and will be compensated soon enough.


Getting into a bicycle accident can be scary, and it could result in a lot of bills and expenses. While getting monetary compensation does not make up for the trauma, it will at least ease your financial burden. This is why it is always important to be aware of your rights and to make sure that you get in contact with legal representation immediately after the accident.

If you need an accident lawyer in Los Angeles, you can contact Mendez & Sanchez Law. Our team is here to help you get through difficult times by making sure that you are protected by your rights. Get in touch with us to hire an attorney.


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